Google launches cost-per-click ad service » Online Trend News » News :: Receptional Internet Marketing
Using the AdWords website targeting service, companies can choose to have their advertising shown on specific websites within the Google ad network. Advertisers may further winnow their advertising and pay only for click-throughs to their website. This is useful if you want to extend a special offer, test drive two or three different ads or advertise only during certain day parts. Cost per click advertising campaigns are more expensive than pay per impression.
Using the AdWords website targeting service, companies can choose to have their advertising shown on specific websites within the Google ad network. Advertisers may further winnow their advertising and pay only for click-throughs to their website. This is useful if you want to extend a special offer, test drive two or three different ads or advertise only during certain day parts. Cost per click advertising campaigns are more expensive than pay per impression.
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