The Sports Dollar 7500+ EC Giveaway

The Sports Dollar is giving up after one month and will be giving away their Entrecard credits. In this case, 7500+ Entrecard credits. They do not like the new ad pricing system, no one is reciprocating, and someone insulted their Entrecard (not) . . .

A winner will be decided on May 16, using The Sports Dollar's Super Fancy Lottery System. Okie dokie, everyone has to have a system, I guess. Now, how do you win? Get your lottery tickets in several different ways. Do one or do them all.
  • 150 Tickets: Write a post of a minimum of 100 words, make sure you mention the 7500+ credits, and give a link back to the contest post. Done: this is it!
  • 100 Tickets: Post 125x125 banner below on your blog, making sure it links back to The Sports Dollart. Done: its posted right here.
  • 50 Tickets: Subscribe to The Sports Dollar RSS feed. Done: blogger at cooladz dot com.
  • 10 Tickets: Stumble it! Done:
Total of 310 lottery tickets.