How to Monetize Your Blog

Many people stop by this blog, on their quest to earn money from their blog. They see sponsored articles, text links, blog directories, blog rolls, and no follow badges on the sidebar. It is, I am sure, confusing.

What you see on this blog is a series of works in progress. I have text ads, auction ads and affiliate links on my blog. I write sponsored posts that review websites, services and products. Some of the advertisers want a link to their site, their logo in your post and 50 words. The advertiser may want you to shoot a video, post it to YouTube and embed it in your post. Or, the advertiser wants a critique of a new product that you must download and try.

I monetize my feeds by placing advertisements in my feeds. The same ads are shown on my blog.

Over the next few days, I will be reviewing the programs I use to monetize my blog. I will share this information in the hope of helping your journey. If there is a particular question, service or method you want discussed, please drop a comment.