Blog Your Blessing : Words of Wisdom

The six most important words: "I admit I made a mistake."

The five most important words: "You did a great job."

The four most important words: "What is your opinion?”

The three most important words: "If you please."

The two most important words: "Thank You."

The one most important word: "We."

The least important word: "I."

Note: I am sorry I do not have a source for this quotation. If anyone knows who wrote it, please let me know.

The Blue Panther Experience is host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. Visit the blog, grab the blogroll code, add it to your blog, and leave a comment on Blue Panther Experience. Next Sunday, post your blessing. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on any Sunday as we blog our blessings