Blog Your Blessing : : Christmas in August

A God becomes Child to save the children,
Shepherds chant with the tongue of Angels,
Salvation is described in a Mystery,
Heaven and Earth mingle into one Soul this night.

Prophecy is the point of a Star.
Cherubim bow with the neck of Shepherds.
A cave becomes the Gate of the Universe
While kings search for the bed of a Begger.

A Maiden becomes the Mother of Grace;
Life has been given another Life.
The Child reaches out, takes hold of the world
And smiles the Innocent Smile.

In this Miracle all miracles are born -
The blind receive sight and the deaf have song,
The cold and homeless have shelter
And pilgrims cease their wanderings.

In this Creation all creation is born
And all creatures have a voice.
We find ourselves kneeling alongside the Magi.
The Child turns, looks and recognizes.

luke 2:11 - stephen glaros

Visit The Blue Panther Experience, host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on any Sunday as we blog our blessings.

New Age Comments

Have you received the New Age comments?
You are possessed of assured karma. Your chi energy is emerging. Your destiny will be found in the impartiality of your loyalty. No tears in the writer no tears in the reader.
Any of the bolded words may be exchanged with others, so the comment may be recycled. The last sentence is always a sentence that reads like a fortune cookie.

I wish I would have copied all the New Age comments I have received in the past week. I was hit pretty hard on all my blogs by the same new agers.

While these new age comments are a bit easier to read, they are still spam.

Lion of the Senate Dies Today

Rest in Peace, Edward Moore Kennedy,
you fought a good fight
and the world is a lesser place without you in it.


Blog Your Blessing : Dogs & Boys Who Love Them

Right Click on Photograph to Open Larger View

We were floating around in our plastic canoe at the Devils Waterhole. We heard some young men yelling "stay in the boat," then a lot of splashing, and a few choice words. These young men paddled across the lake with their dogs in (and out of) the kayak. The dogs were not scared, they just wanted to get in the water. It was the cutest photograph, and, for once, I had my camera!

Visit The Blue Panther Experience, host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on any Sunday as we blog our blessings.

Playing the Page Rank Game Again

Are you getting 50-100 Visitors only on your Website Daily? Want to get 200 - 400 Visitors Daily? If yes follow the simple step and get the double traffic on your Blog.

Make A List Of Links As Below and Insert Your Link instead of YOUR LINK HERE from Below:

List Order:
01.) Tweaking Windows
Computing Unleashed
Sony Ericsson Themes
04.) PC Territory
Successful Reign
Success Blog
07.) Expert Adware Spyware
08.) Maheshhari
Stupids Cupids
General Interest
12.) Passiveincome@55
Skippers Chippers
See And Buy Store
Begging Online
Advertising-for-Success blog
17.) Your Blog Here

Please Note:

1.) Put Alexa Widget on Your Site From Here.

2.) You are not allowed to change the Order of Links.

3.) Add your Link to the Bottom of List.

4.) Once you Have posted New Article with using the Above Codes (For Bloggers & Wordpress), Leave a Comment on

5.) Don’t Forgot to Digg this Article.

AT&T Office Makeover : Enter Today

When AT&T has a contest, everyone should come out to play. The rules of the contest are few, fun and as follows.

Create a two-minute video; explaining why your small business needs a makeover. What plans do you have? How would this makeover transform your business? Next, you simply register and sign in, complete the online entry form and then upload your video (maximum of 4 megabytes).

The contest is to publicize the AT&T Small Business InSite, which is a handy resource site from AT&T. Whether you are just beginning with a sole-proprietorship or leaping into forming a corporation, you will find many helpful links to information on InSite.

While you are out on the website, sign up for the business makeover contest. If your video is first-rate and if your business plan is well thought out and unique--YOU COULD WIN!!
  • The Grand Prize Winner will win a complete makeover for their small business from AT&T;
  • products & services package;
  • two Samsung Epix smart phones;
  • one-year subscription to Tech Support Advanced Service Package;
  • one-year subscription to AT&T UNIX or Windows Enhanced Web Hosting services
  • AT&T Web Design service;
  • one-year subscription to AT&T Unified Messaging;
  • Digital Express Direct Mail Extreme Membership along with the first 500 postcards;
  • AT&T Connect five (5 Integrated Edition Named Hosts Web conferencing). Windows® Small Business Server 2008 Standard from Microsoft. To finish, how about a consultation with a small business expert?
This is a great opportunitiy for someone to upgrade their operations, whether home based or bricks-and-mortar, we all stand a chance of wining.

Whether your business is big or small, in the competitive environment of today, you have to be ready to respond 24/7. With this new AT&T hardware, improved mobile software and faster Internet connections.. . Whooooooosssshhhhhh! You are no longer in the same zip code.


Blog Your Blessing : Clean Water

Sunset over Inks Lake, TexasInks Lake at Sunset, August 2009
Photography by Eileen Trainor

Can we afford clean water?

Can we afford rivers and lakes
and streams and oceans
which continue
to make possible life on this planet?

Can we afford life itself?

Those questions were never asked as we
destroyed the waters of our nation,

and they deserve no answers as
we finally move to restore and renew them.

These questions answer themselves.

Senator Ed Muskie of Maine
arguing for the passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972,
1972 Legislative History, pp 161, 162 and 164

Visit The Blue Panther Experience, host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on any Sunday as we blog our blessings.

Twittering During Birth

If you thought bringing a digital camcorder with a zoom into the birthing room was crass, you are going to love this.

Sara, the wife of Twitter's CEO, is twitting while she is in labor. You can catch the latest here: While you have to give her credit for being a Twitter trooper, I wonder what will happen as we get closer and closer to baby's birth.

I do not know about y'all, but I was screaming to the saints and Jesus to just TAKE HIM OUT! TAKE HIM OUT! TAKE HIM OUT! when my baby was born. It was a natural birth, if you consider I was not drugged and he was pulled from the birth canal backwards with forceps.

Oh, I just checked and she wants her epidural now. Maybe the baby will come fast and she will not be delayed in twittering the entire experience to Twitterdom.

This is opening an entire new frontier. Perhaps I will twitter during my next mammogram, pelvic exam, biopsy or psych evaluation. Just look for the CyberPsycho handle on Twitter and you will find me, capturing, cataloging and sharing my various procedures. Should I keep the specimens for use in follow up blog posts? Only kidding . . .

Sara, best of luck. I hope everything goes smoothly and you have an easy time during the birth of your child. Angels all around you and your family.

Blog Your Blessing : Rock of Ages

right click photograph to see larger size in a new window or tab

One Billion Years in a Road Cut
(FM 1431, Marble Falls, Texas)

I could think of no greater blessing today than the work of God
that is evidenced on the land on which we camp.
The geology of this area is incredible.
The lakes are full and I am happy.
Happy Blog Your Blessing Sunday!

Sing with me, now. . .

Rock Of Ages

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee;
let the water and the blood,
from thy wounded side which flowed,
be of sin the double cure;
save from wrath and make me pure.

Not the labors of my hands
can fulfill thy law's commands;
could my zeal no respite know,
could my tears forever flow,
all for sin could not atone;
thou must save, and thou alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Savior, or I die.

While I draw this fleeting breath,

when mine eyes shall close in death,
when I soar to worlds unknown,
see thee on thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee.

The Blue Panther Experience is host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on any Sunday as we blog our blessings.

Win a $1000 VISA Card

Would you like a chance to win a $1000 Visa Card? This contest is easy! All you do is login to your Twitter account and then click this link: @creditloan. You will be taken to the home page of Daniel Wesley (CL for Credit Loan). Click the follow button.

Then go to your home page on Twitter and Tweet this message:
Just entered the CreditLoan Visa Giftcard Giveaway. You can win by following @creditloan and retweeting.
That is all you have to do! Here are the official contest rules on the website of CreditLoan.

Of course, it is not all fun and games on The navigation tabs on the top of the website make it easy for you to apply for auto loans, bad credit loans, credit cards, cash advance loans and personal loans. You may want to find out your credit score or find information on debt consolidation.

While you are visiting the website, check out the financial videos. With names like Game of Economy : Financial Crisis Edition and The Golden Treasure Chest : CEO and Banking Executive Riches, I am sure you will find something to interest you. Is Debt Consolidation or Debt Relief a good idea? Find out on the blog.

Good luck with the contest!


Blog Your Blessing : Instruments of Peace

The most valuable possession you can own
is an open heart.

The most powerful weapon you can be
is an instrument of peace.

~ Carlos Santana ~

The Blue Panther Experience is host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on any Sunday as we blog our blessings.