The Success Blog of the Week is The Great Blog Review (we read the blogs so you don't have to). The stated purpose of the blog:
What we are going to do is give you a list of blogs which we have deemed as must reads. There are now hundreds of thousands of blogs out there and many will not get read due to sheer volume. That is where we come in. We will use our experience and out expertise to point you in the right direction.This is a new blog from two people who have been around the blogosphere for awhile, but have never had a blog of their own, until now.

The blog owner is the Chairman, who holds a Masters degree in geography and is a consultant who travels a great deal.

His partner in blog is the Coffee Woman, who has a degree in management and public relations and manages a coffee shop on the East coast.
Together they will review, select and publish the locations of the best blogs. Please visit The Great Blog Review and wish them well on this gargantuan task. Tell them CyberCelt sent you.