David Airey Penalzied by Google for Paid Links

If you would like to see how having paid links on your blog may damage your search engine rankings, visit David Airey :: Graphic Designer blog.

Google search rank drop: advice needed - click to read complete blog entry

From the blog entry:
On Monday 10th September, I received 30% of my traffic from Google. I first noticed the search ranking drop on 20th September, and on Monday 24th September I received just 6% of my traffic from Google. Quite a decrease.
Here are some of my previous rankings in Google:

* #1 for ‘David Airey’
* 1st page for ‘graphic design edinburgh’ – important for local business, as described in my search ranking article
* 2nd page for ‘logo designer’ – I was almost on page 1, which would’ve been a boost for business

Here are my current rankings after Google affected the search results:

* Somewhere around #60 for my own name, ‘David Airey’
* Around #60 or #70 for ‘graphic design edinburgh’
* Similarly, around #60 or #70 for ‘logo designer’
This is a shame that Google penalized David for displaying advertising on his blog. Advertising is a major part of Google offerings, but only for a selected few, I guess. David says if you put "no follow" on the paid link, it may help. He took every bit of advertising off his blog.

So, if you need a graphic design or a logo designer, please visit David Airey :: Graphic Designer and tell him CyberCelt sent you.