Google search rank drop: advice needed - click to read complete blog entry
From the blog entry:
On Monday 10th September, I received 30% of my traffic from Google. I first noticed the search ranking drop on 20th September, and on Monday 24th September I received just 6% of my traffic from Google. Quite a decrease.This is a shame that Google penalized David for displaying advertising on his blog. Advertising is a major part of Google offerings, but only for a selected few, I guess. David says if you put "no follow" on the paid link, it may help. He took every bit of advertising off his blog.
Here are some of my previous rankings in Google:
* #1 for ‘David Airey’
* 1st page for ‘graphic design edinburgh’ – important for local business, as described in my search ranking article
* 2nd page for ‘logo designer’ – I was almost on page 1, which would’ve been a boost for business
Here are my current rankings after Google affected the search results:
* Somewhere around #60 for my own name, ‘David Airey’
* Around #60 or #70 for ‘graphic design edinburgh’
* Similarly, around #60 or #70 for ‘logo designer’
So, if you need a graphic design or a logo designer, please visit David Airey :: Graphic Designer and tell him CyberCelt sent you.