Leave Armstrong Williams Behind

Two Years Later, FCC Seeks to Fine Broadcasters Over Armstrong Williams - Advertising Age - MediaWorks - click to read entire article

From the article:
[FCC] proposed a $40,000 fine on Sunshine for airing "The Right Side with Armstrong Williams" 10 times between Jan. 4, 2004, and July 5, 2005, on WBPH-TV, Bethlehem, Pa., and Sinclair $36,000 for episodes of "America's Black Forum" and "2004 Election countdown" on nine stations in September 2004. In all the telecasts Mr. Williams spoke of No Child Left Behind.

In case you have been living at the North Pole, No Child Left Behind is the education strategy of George W Bush. It did not work in Texas and now it does not work countrywide. It has turned teaching into test preparation and has put our children in jeopardy of not being able to compete in the global economy.

Bloggers understand the importance of disclosure, transparency and honesty in advertising.

I find it distasteful that this man was 1) able to manipulate the media to push through a political agenda, 2) was paid for it, 3) did not disclose the relationship, and 4) that it has taken two years for the FCC to do anything about it.