. . . I didn´t know some of the tricks you shared, useful to spot them. I wish I had a spam blocker, do you know any we can use in blogger blogs?
Blogger does not have a very robust spam blocking function. The tools you have are on the Settings Tab under Comments. Please see graphic above for specifics.
3rd Party Commenting Products
HaloScan is a 3rd party product that is fairly simple to set up and to use. I do nog use it, but I see
- Easy, two-step installation on any weblog or webpage
- Supports all major blogging platforms
- Comment moderation
- Ban offensive commenters by single IP or an IP range
- Fully customizable comment window
- Hundreds of user-submitted templates to pick from
- Worldwide time-zone and language support
- RSS-XML feed/syndication
- Manage comments and trackbacks
- Comments dashboard
- Comment backup / export feature
- In-line / embedded comment support
- Recent comments widget
- Gravatar support
- Email notification of new comments
- Comment spam filters
- Email support
- Solid performance
- On-site backups