Blog Your Blessing : Common Good

God of all nations,
Father of the human family,
we give you thanks for the freedom we exercise
and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy
in these United States of America.

We ask for your protection and guidance
for all who devote themselves to the common good,
working for justice and peace at home and around the world.
We lift up all our duly elected leaders and public servants,
those who will serve us as president, as legislators and judges,
those in the military and law enforcement.

Heal us from our differences and unite us, O Lord,
with a common purpose, dedication, and commitment
to achieve liberty and justice in the years ahead for all people,
and especially those who are most vulnerable in our midst.

Prayer After An Election, Cardinal Adam Maida, Archbishop of Detroit

I felt moved to find and post this prayer. I have read such hate-filled comments and blog posts about our president-elect. I was in grade school when JFK was assasinated in Dallas and high school when RFK and MLK were taken out of this life. I truly believe life would be very different today in the USA if these leaders had lived out their natural lives. That is my wish for President-Elect Obama.

The Blue Panther Experience is host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. Visit the blog, grab the blogroll code, add it to your blog, and leave a comment on Blue Panther Experience. Next Sunday, post your blessing. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on Sunday as we blog our blessings.

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