Customer Service Bites the Big One

Principles of customer service have now gone from "the customer is always right"


"while we have worked to resolve your issues and questions to the best of our ability, the number of inquiries you have made to us during this time had led us to determine that we are unable to meet your current wireless needs."

Sprint Defends Cutting Customers - TIME - read article

From the article:
The customers were told their service agreements were being terminated, they wouldn't owe anything on their final bill, and the company would waive early termination fees. They also were told to switch to another wireless provider by July 30 if they want to keep their phone number.

Why did I not go with Sprint? My son is breaking me with our family plan and every time I call to ask about something, they E-X-T-E-N-D the term of my calling plan. I would love someone to cut off my wireless service, please! Take the phone numbers and the phones . . . I don't care!

These people must have been truly BAD. Sprint waived termination fees and ate the last month's bill of 1000 customers. If anyone knows someone who was cut by Sprint, please ask them how they did it. Please let me know. I am going to try for the same thing with T-Mobile. LOL