The Biggest Entrecard Contest - Yet!

A huge Entrecard Contest was announced on July 5 on the Entrecard blog. The brain and the organizational skills behind this contest is Fantasy Baseball blog.

I just want one huge EC prize! The 10,000ec will do just fine. I would love to hold my own contest and 10K credits would be great. Check out the prizes below and get your entry in before the contest ends in 14 days from yesterday.

Entrecard Credit Prizes

Fantasy Baseball - 10,000ec : Q3-n - 5000ec : Øblog - 4000ec : Evil Woobie - 3000ec ; Turnip of Power - 1001ec : Celebrity Pictures - 1000ec : Evil Entrecard Kid! - 1000ec : Modern Glam - 1000ec : Dot Com Mogul - 1000ec : Blabberwocky - 1000ec : Looking For Scoop - 1000ec : - 1000ec : Travelin’ Show - 1000ec : The Hypnotist - 1000ec : Diet Pulpit - 1000ec : The Realtor - 500ec : Romelo - 500ec : - 500ec : Inspire Emotion - 500ec : Sue Doe-Nim - 500ec : Thailand Land of Smiles - 500ec : FitnessLifeClub - 500ec :Lisa Cooking - 500ec : JunkieYard Dot Com - 500ec : Movie Reviews - 500ec

Other Prizes

Aerten Art - A painting : ImpNERD - 125×125 ad for a month : PoemsofQuotes - A poem about the winner’s topic : - A custom made 125×125 card : Diet Pulpit - One week ad spot : JunkieYard Dot Com - Three blogroll links. : The Hypnotist - A hypnotic audio

How to Enter

Write about this contest on your blog, mentioning the one prize you want to win. Leave a comment with the link to your blog post on this blog post. 1 Entry

Write about this contest on your blog, mentioning the one prize you want to win and copy all of the sponsors. Then leave a comment on this blog post with the link of your blog post. 2 Entries