Blog Your Blessing : Women Who Change the World

There are women who make things better... simply by showing up.
There are women who make things happen.
There are women who make their way.
There are women who make a difference.
And women who make us smile.
There are women of wit and wisdom who--
through strength and courage--make it through.
There are women who change the world every day... women like you.

Ashley Rice
(Copyright Blue Mountain Arts, Inc.)

Women Who Changed the World

More women heroes may be found on

The Blue Panther Experience is host for Blog Your Blessings Sunday. Visit the blog, grab the blogroll code, add it to your blog, and leave a comment on Blue Panther Experience. Next Sunday, post your blessing. We are of all faiths, creeds and races, so everyone is welcome. Join us on any Sunday as we blog our blessings.