Type Fast and Without Your Fingers

Writers--especially those who have carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis or arthritis--rejoice. You may now type without your hands. Using a microphone, a computer and a software package called Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10, you will discover an easy and fast method of writing. Even better, there is not a large learning curve involved in using the software with your computer (see the film above).

Think about it! No longer will you have to wait for your fingers to catch up to your mind. No longer will you discover after typing a paragraph that your fingers were not on the home keys when you began.

Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Basic with Discount Coupon Code

I tried Dragon NaturallySpeaking, or its predecessor, when it was first released in the early 2000s. At the time I was developing training plans for teachers to use technology in the ESL/GED classroom. The teachers loved it! Two of the teachers wrote mini-grants to get the funds to buy the software and upgrade their computers.

Would you like to try writing without typing? If you wish to take advantage of these coupons, please realize they expire TODAY.
Recently, I have read many blog posts about how easy it is to blog with Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10.

Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Basic with Discount Coupon Code In fact, I have thought about purchasing Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10. As the great procrastinator, I am waiting for the last moment to make my purchase.

Luckily, if I purchase the software by 23:59 tonight, I will be able to take the deduction on my 2008 business tax return.
