Over One Thousand Posts So Far

This is my 1003rd post on Advertising for Success.  Below is my very first post on this blog, over four years ago.

11 February 2006

How to Market to Marketers? No Phone Calls, No Meetings, No Hype!

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The Marketing and Technology Survey found that over 70 percent of the marketers surveyed absolutely, positively, do not want to listen to sales pitches over the telephone. Over 57 percent do not want to meet in person and 63 percent do not want to attend a group presentation.

Most marketers prefer Internet-based presentations and links to more information on the web or by e-mail.

Freely provide the information you wish to share. RSS feeds, email updates, and downloads and on-demand presentations on your website will gather more goodwill than any telephone call, group meeting or personal presentation.

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I do not know if I will be around for another 1000 posts or another four years, but I have enjoyed this sojourn through the bloggosphere with you.

