Have You Signed the Petition?

Sign the petition to stop violence against womenTo date, more than 20,000 people have added their voices to our effort to help Stop Violence Against Women. Your voices are powerful. But we need 30,000 more.

Why 50,000? We need 50,000 signatures to get the attention of Congress and deliver the message -- loud and clear -- that Americans are concerned about violence against women. Taking steps to prevent and respond to this violence, no matter where in the world it happens, must be a priority.

We know you care about this issue – violence against women is just too important to remain silent or complacent. Let's reach this ambitious goal of 50,000 signatures together.

If you've already signed the petition, don't stop there! You can continue to help by sending the petition to your friends and asking them to sign as well.

Sign the Petition
Stop sexual violence against women

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