Retail E-Commerce Climbs 23 Percent in Q2 Versus Year Ago
Online Sales of Video Games, Consoles & Accessories Explodes
The top-gaining e-commerce category in Q2 versus year ago was video games, consoles & accessories, which jumped 159 percent on the strength of Nintendo Wii and PlayStation 3 sales. Sport & fitness also saw substantial gains (up 58 percent), followed by consumer electronics (up 51 percent) and event tickets (up 44 percent). (read entire article)
Games and Gadgets Driving E-Commerce - eMarketer -read article
eMarketer analyzes data from leading sources and looks for trends to share. You may want to read that article as well if your line is e-commerce. What is incredible to me is the ratio of consumer spending levels with confidence in government levels. Personally, I have put off buying some big ticket items until the economy shakes out.